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ICSIL Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online for 164 Assistant Coaches Posts

ICSIL Recruitment 2022: Intelligent Communication Systems India Limited (ICSIL) has recently announced the latest notification for the Assistant Coaches Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification for the details of educational qualification, age limit, selection process, how to apply for important dates, and the application form are given below.

ICSIL Careers
Organization NameIntelligent Communication Systems India Limited (ICSIL)
Post-DetailsAssistant Coaches
Total Vacancies164
Job LocationNew Delhi
Apply ModeOnline
ICSIL Official

Vacancy Details:

Assistant Coaches

Educational Qualification:

For All PostCandidates must have passed a Diploma in Coaching or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.

Age Limit:

Maximum Age45 years

Salary Package: 

  • Rs.46,374/- to Rs.62,356/-

Selection Process:

Candidates will be selected based on the,

  • Document verification
  • Interview/interaction

Application Fees:

  • One Time Registration Fees: Rs.1000/-

How to Apply for Online Mode:

  • Log on to the official website
  • Go through the recruitment notification and ensure that candidate fulfills the eligibility criteria by clicking the given below Notification Link.
  • Select “Apply” and enter the required details.
  • Take a printout of the application for future reference.

Important Instruction:

  • Before Applying, Candidates are to ensure that scanned copies of the educational qualification certificates, recent color passport size photo & Signature are in a specified format, size mentioned in the given notification. (if required)
  • If the proper photograph is not uploaded by an applicant, his/her candidature will be canceled.
  • Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection or failure to login to the website on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days.
  • Verify the information provided by you. If you want to modify any changes before proceeding further. When you are satisfied that the information is correctly filled and submit the application.

Important Dates:

Starting Date for Submission of Application23 May 2022
Last Date for Submission of Application13 June 2022

Important Links:

Notification Link For CoachesClick Here
Notification Link For Assistant CoachesClick Here
Application LinkClick Here