Category: Andhra Pradesh Govt Jobs
NHM Recruitment 2022: National Health Mission East Godavari has recently announced the latest notification for the Asha Worker Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification for …
YSRAHCT Recruitment 2022: Dr. YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust Nellore has announced the latest notification for the Aarogya Mithra Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification …
DMHO Recruitment 2022: District Medical & Health Office Visakhapatnam has recently announced the latest notification for the Asha Worker Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification for …
CUAP Recruitment 2022: Central University of Andhra Pradesh has recently announced the latest notification for the Professor, Clerk Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification for the …
GVMC Recruitment 2022: Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation has recently announced the latest notification for the Sanitation Worker Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification for the …
HMFW Recruitment 2022: Health Medical & Family Welfare Department has recently announced the latest notification for the Staff Nurse Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification for …
HMFW Recruitment 2022: Health Medical & Family Welfare Department has recently announced the latest notification for the Staff Nurse Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification for …
AP Police Recruitment 2022: Andhra Pradesh Police has recently announced the latest notification for the PC, Sub Inspector Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification for the …
Ananthapuramu District Recruitment 2022: Ananthapuramu District has recently announced the latest notification for the Staff Nurse Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a job vacancy notification for the details of …
High Court of Andhra Pradesh Recruitment 2022: High Court of Andhra Pradesh has recently announced the latest notification for the Junior Assistant Posts. Interested Candidates are requested to use a …